Directors responsible for the Internal Control and Risk Management System

By resolution of 4 June 2019, having regard to the allocation of powers, the Board of Directors of Iren identified, as Directors in charge of the internal control and risk management system (hereinafter "ICRMS Directors"), Renato Boero (Chairperson), Massimiliano Bianco (Chief Executive Officer and General Manager), and Moris Ferretti (Deputy Chairperson), each with regard to their respective functions and powers[footnoteRef:3].

Taking into account the resignation from the offices held in the Parent submitted by Mr. Massimiliano Bianco on 29 May 2021 and the appointment, on the same date, of Gianni Vittorio Armani as the new Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of the Parent, consistently with the structure of the proxies illustrated above and continuity with what was previously resolved on the matter, on 08 June 2021, the Board of Directors of Iren resolved to appoint the Chief Executive Officer in office from 29 May 2021, Gianni Vittorio Armani, as Director in charge of SCIGR, with reference to the area to which the powers assigned to him refer.

Since that date, this role has been held by: Renato Boero (Chairperson), Gianni Vittorio Armani (Chief Executive Officer and General Manager), and Moris Ferretti (Deputy Chairperson), each with regard to their respective functions and powers.

Each ICRMS Director, with reference to the areas falling under their responsibility, and in compliance with the proxies, is vested with the functions indicated below:

  • to identify the main business risks, taking into account the characteristics of the activities performed by Iren S.p.A. and by its subsidiaries and check that the same are submitted periodically to examination by the Board of Directors; in more detail, in the current governance system, the ICRMS Director with proxies on the subject of Risk Management, in agreement with the other ICRMS Directors, as far as each is responsible, also submits the Risk Policies and the Audit Plan for examination by the Board of Directors;
  • to put into practice the guidelines defined by the Board of Directors, dealing with the planning, creation and management of the internal control and risk management system and checking constantly its adequacy and effectiveness;
  • to adapt this system to changes in the operating conditions and the legislative and regulatory framework;
  • to request that the Internal Audit Unit perform audits on specific operating areas and on compliance with the internal rules and procedures in the execution of business operations, communicating this at the same time to the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, to the Chairperson of the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee and to the Chairperson of the Board of Statutory Auditors;
  • to report promptly to the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee (or to the Board of Directors) on the problems and critical issues that have emerged in performance of his or her work or which he or she has in any case been informed, so that the Committee (or the Board) may take the opportune initiatives.

Supplementing the above, the ICRMS Director with proxies on the subject of Risk Management (in the current system, this is the Deputy Chairperson), in agreement with the Chairperson (who, equally, holds the position of ICRMS Director), proposes to the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee, for the relevant opinion, and to the Board of Directors, for the related decision, the appointment, dismissal and remuneration of the Manager of the Internal Audit unit.