Iren has consolidated a process involving stakeholders present in the Local Committees in the materiality analysis (see page 42) to share and assess the priority topics for the Group’s strategic development and report its performance.
The process compares the Group’s vision with that of the various categories of stakeholders to take on board their contribution in defining the strategy and developing reporting that is increasingly relevant and focused on their real interests, providing a clear framework of policies, actions and results achieved.
Stakeholders are part of the materiality analysis process for strategic and reporting purposes
The materiality analysis carried out annually takes into consideration the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and is a dynamic process that takes place in several stages:
- documentary analysis: identification of the universe of potentially significant topics through the analysis of Legislative Decree 254/2016, GRI standards and other publications, domestic and international sustainable development targets, the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the Group’s mission, memorandum and Strategic Plan and related sustainability objectives, the Group’s financial and sustainability reporting, previous materiality analyses, customer satisfaction surveys, risk analysis, media analysis, and peer and competitor sustainability topics;
- internal engagement: sharing and assessing potentially significant topics by the first line of the Group management in order to identify priority topics for Iren;
- external engagement: sharing and assessing potentially significant topics by Iren Local Committees in order to focus interests and identify priority topics for stakeholders. The 98 Associations/Institutions that participate in the Local Committees represent the main categories of stakeholders of Iren Group: consumers/customers, employees, suppliers, institutions, shareholders, environment, local communities, NGOs, world of research and Universities, future generations;
- development of the materiality matrix (see page 43), which defines the priority topics, and approval of the results of the materiality analysis by the Board of Directors on 20 January 2022.