Taxes and duties

Iren Group, while respecting and independently making its own management decisions and in line with its sustainability policy, pursues a tax strategy inspired by principles of honesty, correctness and regulatory compliance, characterised by collaborative and transparent behaviour towards the Tax Authorities and third parties, in order to minimise any substantial impact in terms of risk, be it fiscal or reputational.

To this end, the Board of Directors has issued the document Fiscal Strategy, also referred to in the Code of Ethics, which defines the objectives and the approach adopted by the Group in managing the tax variable. The document is made available to all stakeholders on the website and is promptly updated whenever changes occur in the essential elements regulated. The Fiscal Strategy establishes the principles of conduct in tax matters, to contain the risk of incurring in the violation of tax regulations or the abuse of the principles and purposes of the tax system, and to ensure the correct and timely determination and settlement of taxes over time. Consistently with these principles, Iren refrains from implementing tax practices or strategies aimed at abusively eroding the tax base and commits itself not to undertake operations and behaviours and not to establish commercial relations or company structures that are devoid of economic substance and aimed at obtaining undue tax advantages and that are not justified by valid economic reasons, including organisational or managerial reasons, or in any case consistent with social and business ethics objectives. Iren also undertakes to actively pursue prior certainty of its tax positions and to prevent the start of unproductive tax disputes or disputes that, in any case, based on a prognostic assessment, could have an unfavourable outcome (principle of “more likely than not“). Where the tax obligations or cases are considered, based on an objective assessment by management, to be unclear or subject to interpretation or, in any case, have margins of uncertainty, Iren acts in any case with full transparency towards the Tax Authorities, according to the instruments made available by the legal system, to achieve the application of the correct level of taxation.

Iren’s Board of Directors, supported by the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee, defined the guidelines for the internal control and risk management system, including tax risks, and identified the Chief Executive Officer as the person responsible for directing the fiscal strategy, verifying the functioning of the Tax Control Framework, i.e. the tax risk management and control system that Iren has adopted to ensure the submission of accurate tax declarations, the correct application of all tax regulations and, when deemed appropriate, the involvement of the Tax Authority in the face of transactions likely to generate interpretative uncertainties.

The Board of Directors also established the Tax Risk Management Committee, which has four permanent members: Chief Risk Management Officer, Tax Risk Manager, CFO and Head of Consolidated Financial Statements and Taxation. The Committee oversees the processes envisaged by the Tax Control Framework with supervisory and control tasks, as well as guiding in the context of monitoring activities, supporting the various players involved, including the Chief Executive Officer and the Tax Risk Manager, in the performance of their respective tasks in a non-binding advisory and propositional capacity. The Tax Risk Manager is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the controls in place to protect against tax risks and periodically reports to the Tax Committee on the activities carried out, their results, and the Tax Control Framework’s adequacy. By identifying and assessing risks and the preparation, in collaboration with the functions involved, of operating procedures of a fiscal nature, the Tax Risk Manager ensures that each control owner is aware of and implements the control measures and confirms the effective application of the procedures.

Consistent with the broader system of internal control and risk management, the Tax Control Framework requires that tax risk be managed through the assignment of responsibilities and roles according to three levels of control. First level control is represented by the individual operating lines which, daily, in carrying out the activities for which they are responsible, implement the so-called line controls, as defined by Company policies and procedures, aimed at ensuring that operating activities are carried out correctly, including those with repercussions on tax compliance. Therefore, the first level of control is carried out by the Company management of the individual operating lines, including the Tax and Compliance Department.

The second level of control is entrusted to the Tax Risk Manager who, according to the criterion of separation of duties concerning line roles, prepares the annual monitoring plan on tax controls and risks and ensures its execution, identifying any areas for improvement and supporting the control owners in identifying the related corrective actions. Adequate, proportionate and diversified information flows guarantee the circulation of information and ensure that the results deriving from the monitoring activities carried out by the Tax Risk Manager are known at the appropriate Company levels.

The third level control, entrusted to the Internal Audit Unit, has the objective of verifying the operation and suitability of the internal control and risk management system and identifying anomalous trends and violations of procedures and regulations.

The management of fiscal and tax aspects has been identified as a sensitive activity concerning the tax offences referred to in the Legislative Decree 231/01 that Iren considers potentially applicable in the conduct of business activities. The Procedure for the management of reports to the Supervisory Body, approved by the Board of Directors, regulates the methods of communication and management of reports concerning situations of overt or alleged violations of the law, of the principles of the Organisational Model 231 and of the procedures governing sensitive activities at risk of 231-related crimes, along with instruments for implementing the Model itself (for more details on the Model 231, see page 86).

In order to improve communication and collaboration with the Tax Authorities, Iren Group decided to adhere to the “Collaborative Compliance Regime“ (Legislative Decree 128/2015), which provides a new scheme of relations between the Revenue Agency and taxpayers inspired by the principles of cooperative compliance already adopted by foreign tax administrations. The main benefits of tax risk management derive from the possibility of joint assessment of any tax risks with the Revenue Agency before the tax return and access to forms of prior appeal with an abbreviated procedure. The Group companies that meet the requirements of the Revenue Agency and admitted to the “Collaborative compliance regime“ in December 2021 are Iren and Iren Energia.

Iren has also consolidated a stakeholder involvement process through the Local Committees, representing the main tool for dialogue and discussion between Iren Group and all stakeholders (consumers/customers, employees, suppliers, institutions, shareholders, the environment and local communities).

Lastly, the tax information in the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Sustainability Report is subject to an assurance process by a third party (Independent Auditors).

The income taxes for FY 2021 amount to over 90 million Euro (-9.7% compared to 2020). The effective tax rate is 21.32%.

In 2021, the Group received around 30.4 million Euro in benefits and grants from Public Administration, of which 5.8 million Euro in capital investments.

Taxes and duties paid (millions of Euro) 2021 20201

Government and Region



Total direct taxes and duties 90.33 100.00

ATO concession fees



Other concession fees



Derivation, taxes and licenses (derivation fees and surtaxes)



Taxes and duties



Total indirect taxes and duties






1The 2020 figures have been restated in accordance with IAS standards.